Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The international French speaking days (1): first thoughts.

One of the projects I will be working during those months here will be the organisation of a day dedicated to my country or to be more precise to the French speaking countries. I thought at first I would do something around my national day which is on July 14th but summer is a very busy season in Pärnu. So we decided to focus on the International French language day which is on March 20th. My tutor wants me to organise this to make people discover my country and the regions that shared/are sharing common history with us.
As the previous volunteer were also from France, it make easier for me to think and organise that day. I can use some of the materials they created for the event, use the feedback to change some of my ideas. Something that has always success is the cooking classes or lunch. Even though we’re not from the same culture, sharing food make contact easier and better. So far I thought about an exhibition on the different French speaking countries, a small presentation about France and its tradition or some cooking classes to prepare our lunch, meal we will share like a buffet. In the afternoon, I think to do some activities when people can participate, when they can be pro-active and not just watchers.
Along with this day, I will help the French teachers with their French cultural week. I have plenty of games to do like tongue twisters but very difficult ones are more fun, games around vocabulary (hangman is always a winner), maybe some cooking classes when we will do pancakes. My only limit is the participation of pupils and their will to make those events a success.

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