Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Media review: on the net (english version)

      After the article from the newspaper, today I present you the blog post made about us by an Estonian man very active with his blog. The orginal article is here (in estonian language). The guy made a very good research work about the places we studied at, our hometown. I was very surprised about it.

     Katerina Petreska and Pierre-Marie Brianceau are european volunteers who arrived at the beginning of Feb in Parnu to work on projects which are for Nooruse Maja. Thanks to the managar of Nooruse Maja, Uudo Laane, enthiastic and ambitious in writting projects, the french volunteers already enriched the culture of Parnu in the last two years. Last year in january arrived Gaetan Homerin from Albertville thanks to an EVS, and in march 2010 arrived Florianne Rigaud from Clermont Ferrand, in the centre of France.
    This time, the freezing weather which was -10°c welcome the two wolunteers in Parnu., one from France and one From Macedonia.
   Katerina, 24, from Prilep, Macedonia, slighty bigger than Parnu with a population of 66 000 inhabitants. The similarities between both cities are that they are the 4th biggest populated cities in their country. She studied at Saint Kiril and Methodus Skopje University philology and macedonian language. Aside form her monther tongue, Katerina has studied bulgarian, serbian, russian, german and english. Katerina told she could decide for her EVS between Greece, Romania and Estonia. She choose the latter because it was unknown and it seemed interesting and may be a little bit exotic. During her stay in estonia she would like to learn Estonian and possibly work as an official in Embassies. She has worked as volunteer with all ages. Her hometown Prilep gave her the chance to work as mentor in ecological activities. Katerina knows very well latin american dances and she is very keen on teaching them. She has worked in two private companies, where she worked with cosmetics. She thinks it’s possible she manage this kind of companies.
     Pierre-Marie Brianceau, 29, says his full name is much longer than the name Estonians used when they call him. His home town is close to the atlantic coast and his hometown consists of 4 different words. On the west coast of France, in the area of Vendée, La Roche Sur Yon is a post-napoleon city with 55 000 inhabitants. Pierre-Marie has studied economy and languages at the University of Nantes. This well known french university was created less than half a century ago during the college reform. There are about 34000 students from which about 10% are foreign students from 110 countries. Besides his mother tongue, he also speaks English, Spanish and Chinese. He also worked 2 years in Spain and studied and worked 3 years in China. There, he worked for a outsoucing company where he helped companies find information and suppliers in the chinese market.
    Pierre-Marie has not yet decided what kind fo work he will do but he thinks he could work in embassies or leading offices of the EU. In the first month he also learned a little bit of estonian. Unlike Katerina, he didn’t search for the country but look for the projects. Uudo Laane had to choose from dozens of candidates and both men found each other and signed a cooperation between both sides. Nooruse Maja manager observed mainly the motivation in the application in which Pierre-Marie wished to come as volunteer in Pärnu.
   Within a month they get to know local life and some places outsides of Pärnu. For example they participated in a training in Viljandi. Althought, the ability to cope with the snow and cold is different for them. In Macedonia, you can see this kind of snow and cold quite often so that’s the reason this is not unusual for Katerina. At the same time, the french guy who is living next to the Atlantic coast doesn’t see snow or minus degrees as often. So first, he needed to change his sneakers for winter shoes. After having to suffer such temperature, when the weather drop to -1°, he felt he was having summer in the city. With the help of Pierre-Marie, there were an opening conference for a new project which consist of six countries and which prupose is to introduce the concept of sisters cities/twinning. The communication in the project is in English but the project itself presented to the EU was in French and needed Pierre’s help.
   On March 24th, there will be another French Cultural Day which will be lead by Pierre-Marie and on April 24th, Katerina will manage a similar day for Macedonia to introduce the culture. Upcoming we might expect Pierre-Marie’s presentation about chinese culture and language. At the same time Katerina will work on a mind map about solidarity.
Source : Translated from Estonian into English.

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